Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC)

Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC)
Type of organisation : Public company

The IEEC (Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya) is a research institute that studies all areas of space and space sciences, including astrophysics, cosmology, planetary science, Earth observation, and space engineering. Its mission is to push the frontiers of space research from the scientific and technological domains for the ultimate benefit of society.

The specific objectives are to:

  • Promote astronomical and space research
  • Become an internationally recognized center in order to attract talent and foster collaborations both locally and worldwide
  • Be an efficient agent of knowledge, innovation and technology transfer in its field
  • Carry out science awareness to society by communicating scientific culture

The IEEC ranks among the best international research centers, producing a large number of high-impact publications and leading key world-class projects. This is the result of over twenty years of top-quality research work in collaboration with the top international institutions. The IEEC also develops instrumentation for multiple space missions thanks to a team of engineers with extensive experience in the aerospace sector and in sectors with a high value in innovation. As a a private non-profit foundation, the IEEC can have a versatile relationship with private industries and companies that ultimately fabricate the qualified flight hardware.

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